ATTENTION: The Village of Cadiz has changes in December 19, 2024 as follows. The Water and Sewer Meeting will now be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers and Village of Cadiz Council Meeting will now be held at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.
Village Administrator Ludwig has been a lifelong resident of Cadiz. He is currently entering into his 18th year Full time/Part time at the Village and has been Village Administrator since October of 2021. Brandon is a social member of the American Legion Post 34, FOE member, serves on the Harrison County Rural Transit board, Valley Hospice Board of Trustees member and served on the Y.E.S. committee during the new Harrison Hills school levy. Vice President of the CBA.
Administrator Responsibilities
The Village Administrator oversees and manages all day-to-day operations within the Village of Cadiz including the water, sewer and street departments, along with Sally Buffalo Park.
"If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want to Go Far, Go Together."